Christmas 2018

Christmas 2018

In Newfoundland, where snowflakes dance, And winter’s breath does chill, The hearths are warm, the spirits bright, On each and every hill.

The salty air with frost entwines, As waves kiss icy shore, The ocean whispers tales of old, Of love and yuletide lore.

The houses, trimmed with lights aglow, In colors bold and clear, Reflect upon the drifting snow, Announcing Christmas near.

In cozy homes, by firelight, The family gathers ’round, With stories shared and laughter bright, In joy they do abound.

The kitchen hums with festive cheer, As scents of spice arise, With fruitcake, figgy pudding near, And turkey, golden, lies.

The carolers in mittens sing, Their voices crisp and true, Through frosty nights, their melodies Make spirits bright anew.

And in the sky, the stars do gleam, Like diamonds in the night, They guide the way for Santa’s team, His sleigh in graceful flight.

At midnight mass, the candles glow, In church so calm and still, Where hearts unite in reverent peace, And prayers the air do fill.

The spirit of old Newfoundland, In every heart does swell, With kindness, love, and memories, That no tongue can fully tell.

So here’s to Christmas by the sea, In Newfoundland so grand, Where simple joys and nature’s grace Go hand in hand, hand in hand.

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